li cheng's blog at the arctic

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

recent "terrorist" threat

Often , we get to see the ,legion of the different terrorist group on tv , from al queda, taleban, or even the jihad.We can all see that the national police force all around the world is deaperately trying to put them behind the eight balls.Every now and then we see them extorting money from the government or asking them to do what they want, however,it resulted in adverse effects on the terrorists .The different states tighten the hunt on them."Most" of the attempts by the terrorists to blow some place was ineffectual as they were mostly foiled.

My personal opinion is that there is really a misunderstanding between the usa and the "terrorist".The terrorist were all fighting for what they believe is right,however , they were fighting in the wrong way.The usa ,also had some fault as they did not really listen to the smaller countries views,thus resulting in this huge misunderstanding.



Eh yo, are these your journal entries? Lol. Clap clap. Nice blog

Anonymous said...

I require proper journal entries.
I am displeased.