li cheng's blog at the arctic

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Being an astronomer

Alright, lets get real, you are a famous scientist who just discovered that a huge meteorite is heading towards us and it will collide with earth in exactly two hundred years. A few days later satellite shows the meteorite changing its course and you feel so relieved. That is what it feels like to work in a space observation lab, everyday, you will have a lot of false alarms popping up on the screen. Well its fun right?

Astrology is also one of my interest, in fact, i dare to say that its on top of the my list. Being an astronomer is really exciting as you get to explore the deep space through powerful telescopes, you can also watch the stars and other galaxies, which really sets my mind thinking, are we really alone?

To me, being an astronomer is a perfect job, you get to sit in a well equipped laboratory, you also get to travel to different destinations to observe stars(most destinations are really beautiful), and on top of that,you will be the first few to be informed or discover new planets of even galaxies!

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